- Definition, objectives, history and scope of modern Social Welfare and Social work. Religious teachings and Welfare-Islam, Hinduism. Buddhism- Christianity.
- Nature of social work in pre and post-industrial society with special reference to lndo-Pak-Bangladesh sub-continent.
- Industrial Revolution and its impact on social life: the emergence of new social problems and social services.
- Basic human needs: Food, clothing, shelter, health, education and their bearing on human life and welfare, with special reference to Bangladesh.
- Major social evils and social problems in Bangladesh: poverty, unemployment, ill-health, beggary, over-population, illiteracy, drug addiction, crime and delinquency, slum and urban problems, family violence, child labour, gender discrimination, immoral trafficking, their causes, effects and remedies.
- The constitutional guarantee of social welfare and social security in Bangladesh, Social welfare in the national five-year plans of Bangladesh
- Definition, scope, principles and significance of Social Case work, Social Group Work- Community Organization and Community Development.
- Social Case work as a problem-solving process its elements, steps methods and significance of Rapport.
- Social Group Work. Community Organization and Community Development as a problem solving process: its elements, steps, methods and importance. Definition and role of Social Administration. Social Research and Social Action in promoting Social Welfare in Bangladesh.
- Significance of Social legislations to bring about Social reforms in Bangladesh.
- Some national NGOs and international agencies working in Bangladesh: Their composition, role, contribution and future prospects in national development: BRAC, Grameen Bank, Proshika, ADAB, Bangladesh Diabetic Association. Bangladesh Probin Hitoishi Shangha, CARE, World Vision, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society.