Bangladesh Human Rights Commission (BHRC)

What is BHRC?

Bangladesh Human Rights Commission-BHRC is one of the largest Voluntary International human rights and peace bodies in the Asian Region working against torture and for the preservation, promotion and upholding of human rights/peace with over a thousand branches at home and abroad. BHRC is registered by the Government of Bangladesh and established in 1987 as per the charter of the UN bill of rights. It is accredited by the United Nations & Government of the United States of America (USA) and is Affiliated Status with the International Commission of Jurists- ICJ. It is also a member body of OMCT/SOS Torture Network (Geneva) and a Member with Observer Status of the African Commission on Human & Peoples Rights. BHRC is affiliated with many other national and international bodies.

Objectives and Functions of BHRC

The BHRC has been providing legal assistance and advice to about 5 lac people annually concerning violations of human rights in Bangladesh and overseas. There are over 1 lac regular activists in the country who are carrying out these activities purely on a voluntary basis. In personal life, these people are Educationists, Lawyers, Newsmen, Teachers, Physicians and Social Workers. The BHRC has been carrying out its jobs to the distressed people for the last 30 years. BHRC, since its inception, has been working for the protection of human rights irrespective of class, race, tribe, religion and other sorts of discrimination.

The BHRC identified people’s ignorance about their own rights to be the root cause for many of their sufferings. Keeping it in mind, BHRC renders legal training to the people. It also gives free legal aid to the poor, the oppressed and the dispossessed who are victims of injustice, illegal detention, harassment etc. especially to promote the administration of justice and the Rule of Law.

The BHRC also feels the need for changes in the enactment of the law, which are inconsistent with basic Human Rights. BHRC believes that poverty is one of the main reasons for the rapid violation of human rights. Therefore BHRC in cooperation with its sister organization, The Institute of Rural Development (IRD), has been working for alleviating poverty through some self-employment programmes.

Objectives of BHRC 

§  The BHRC sets the following objectives for realizing its goals.

§  To take direct action against torture by involving the administration, and creating public opinion through publicity in the press and other media.

§  To spread legal literacy, education and knowledge among the poor people;

§  To conduct and promote research in the areas of law relating to Human Rights, removal of poverty and promotion of economic and social uplift to the weaker and less fortunate sections of the society;

§  To suggest reforms leading to the removal of social injustices;

§  To address the relevant authorities for immediate redress of the violations of human rights;

Functions of BHRC

The BHRC deals with human rights in the following ten of its programme divisions:

1.    Legal Aid Programme for victims of torture.

2.    Medical aid programme for victims of torture.

3.    Legal Literacy and publication Programme.

4.    Investigation and Fact-Finding Programme.

5.    Protecting Minority/Tribal Rights Programme.

6.    Research Programme.

7.    Urgent Action Programme.

8.    Legal Training Programme.

9.    Election Monitoring Programme.

10.  Disaster Management Programme.

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